Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Guest Commentary

posted by The Vidiot @ 7:36 PM Permalink

Hi, I'm wanna those folks that likes Bush becaws he's a reglar fella that ya jus wanna sit down an have a beer with.

So me and Jorge was sittin aroun ta other day an I was kinda feelin' sorry for maself ... and a bunch a others, ya know, all them dead folks and such ... so I jus flat out asked him; "what the fuk wer ya thinking!?"

He tole me "It's always bothered me. Even when I was at Yale, I knew I had to do sumpin special."

"Gorge, whut the hell you talkin about? Yur a Yale graduite, you was a cheerleader! you was skull and bones ... heck, yer daddy was precident! And now yur precident!"

"Yeah, I know" he tole me, "but I herd the whispers, I know whut there sayin ... and I seen the writin on the stall."

And then my Gorge rose and spewed
"I was a cheerleader in college, but do they call me George the Cheerleader? No!"

"I was AWOL in the National Guard, but do they call me George the AWOL? No!"

"I owned a baseball team that failed, but do they call me George Steinbrenner? No!"

"I read My Pet Goat while the Towers were falling, but do they call me George the Reader? No!"

"I invaded a country that had nothin to do with 9/11, but do they call me George the Invader? No!"

"I labeled myself George the Decider, but do they call me George the Decider? No!"

"I give Israel a wink and a nod while they killed 700+ Lebanese civilians, then I blinked, but do they call me Georgie winking, blinking and nod? No!

"but I suck one little cock ... and what do they call me? George the Cock$ucker!"

Gotta go with George on that one.


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