Thursday, August 31, 2006

I guess Bush didn't get the memo

posted by The Vidiot @ 6:42 PM Permalink

The White House says:
Many Democrats accuse the president of advocating "stay the course" in Iraq, but the White House rejects the phrase and regularly emphasizes that it is adapting tactics to changing circumstances, such as moving more U.S. troops into Baghdad recently after a previous security strategy appeared to fail.

And yet Bush still says:
Iraq remains the central front in the terror war, and if the United States and coalition leave Baghdad before the job is finished, "we will have to face the terrorists in our own cities," Bush said. He vowed to stay the course in Iraq and to help its new democracy succeed.
BTW, the above is from "The Conservative Voice", not exactly what you call a left wing publication.

I can't wait for the WH and Ken Mehlman to smack them down ... no, really, I can't wait because it ain't gonna happen.


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