Tuesday, August 01, 2006

More on Cuba

posted by Mr. Vidiot @ 2:05 PM Permalink

Notice this from an article on Cuba
Excerpt; JUAN CLARK: This is a man that, as I said, you cannot underestimate. He's a genius in terms of his ability to manipulate, and what has definitely remained with him since the very, very beginning, is this hatred and this animosity against this country. And so this country should never let down its guard with respect to Castro.
How easily the words "he" and "Castro" can be changed in the American media and political srtucture in regards to Cuba almost immediately after Cuba's 1959 revolution. An ideological war fought in the forefront by leaders of American propaganda machine---sociologists none the less that help lead and legitimize the illegitimate and violent state of America.

Take a look at Cuban diplomatic relations and at America's and tell me who, what political structure truely hates. Take away ideology and all the rest of that nonsense and tell me who is the real hate machine. I say that the Cuban Americans must stand up, now I wish to say that all americans must stand up to allow for the Cuban people to remain free and to use these ideas to ensure future freedom for America, not freedom for our corporations, not freedom for our state, but freedom for us, all of us from all classes and all intellectual and academic levels, blue and white colar, for all breathing humans. We all must stand and unite against the political and economic structures along with all other institutions that preserve the logic of our existing social system to create a system where oppression is not the spoken and unspoken law of the land. Where ideology ceases reality begins. First destroy this present oppresive reality and begin analysis of the real world of things.


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