Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Here's what I don't get.

posted by The Vidiot @ 8:15 AM Permalink

I live in a very "smart" part of the world. New York City. Specifically, Brooklyn Heights, or near there anyway. Now, the people here are considered to be the best and the brightest. They're lawyers and doctors and professors and Wall St. executives (oh my) and well, one would EXPECT them to have a clue.

A clue about what? you might ask. Well, a clue about how messed up the government is these days. A clue about how those in Congress today are the idiots who "fell" for Bush's crap and gave him a blank check. A clue about now dangerous incumbency is. A clue about how you can use the voting process to express your disapproval.

But noooooooo, my idiot neighbors maintained the status quo. Clinton won in a landslide against an anti-war candidate and my congresscritter, Edolphus Towns (a.k.a. the Marlboro man because of all the tobacco money he's taken during his tenure) won handily. He's been in Congress for over 20 years! Doesn't SOMEBODY think it's time for him to get his sorry, lobby-bloated ass out of there?

Apparently not.

How can people continue to vote for the same idiots over and over and over again? Can't they see how bad it is to have a person in there for so long, they get so deep in lobby money that they can't get out?

You know, I've been really verbally wrestling with Mr. Vidiot about voting and elections. He's convinced that not only are the parties the same but that elections are pointless. That there's no such thing as a fair election. Even if the count is fair, the media controls the discourse so that nobody is informed about anything. I think he's right though. There's no other way to explain the lunacy.

I'm like so frustrated right now. Here was a chance, in a primary, to throw the bums out. Anti-incumbency all the way. And what happened? The incumbents get to stick around for yet another term.



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