Saturday, September 30, 2006

Oh boy.

posted by The Vidiot @ 11:00 AM Permalink

Here we were, thinking we'd get ourselves into another war via Iran or Syria. But there's something brewing in Russian Georgia that could do the trick. And if Russia goes after Georgia, we could use NATO to go after Russia and start a war that way OR we could just start bombing Iran figuring "what the hell. The Russians are doing stuff, why not us?" And if anything like THAT happens, look for a big boom here at home to be followed by suspended elections and the Bush transformation into a a dictatorship to be complete.

Honestly, we all joke about how dumb Bush is, but Mr. Vidiot has a point when he says Bush is one of the smartest men on the planet. Look at him. Right now, he is the most powerful president ever. Congress doesn't challenge him. The courts don't challenge him. And even if they did, what would it matter? He'd still do whatever he wanted anyway. He's manage to find every loophole in the system and drive a truck through each and every one them. A real idiot couldn't manage to do that.


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