Tuesday, March 28, 2006

And so it begins...

posted by The Vidiot @ 3:56 PM Permalink

First off, I must apologize for the lack of posting. Between the bookshelves and the impending brain treatment, I've been a little busy.

That being said, I've noticed something very interesting: eVoting issues are hitting the mainstream meme scene. The Washington Post has begun to cover the e-voting issue. On the 25th, they had an article on a Florida county supervisor who can't get the proper equipment to certify the upcoming election. Then, the next day, they had ANOTHER story about the same guy. And you might say, "well, who in the red states really reads the WaPo anyway" and you would have a valid point. But then, USA Today had a story about problems with the machines in Illinois and Texas. Now, the red states are rife with copies of USA Today. (Nobody in the blue states bothers with it.) (links via bradblog.)

So what does it tell me? It tells me that the meme has begun. That they're setting up so that the results of the 2006 elections can be questioned due to "problems with the machines."

Now, I'm not saying this will benefit the dems or the repugs. It could go either way. I'm just saying that whatever the result, if the powers that be don't like it, they'll have laid the groundwork with John Q. Public for questioning the results.

It's kind of like whipping up fear in the general public with regards to a new terrorist attack on US soil. If it happens, then everyone who's been absorbing the "terrorist" meme will believe it was a fulfillment of the meme and NOT some staged terror attack by other interested parties, like say, oh, I dunno, PNAC??


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