Monday, April 10, 2006

What I realized this week

posted by The Vidiot @ 11:50 AM Permalink

For his PhD work, Mr. Vidiot is studying a church here in Brooklyn. I go with him so he isn't completely miserable. As we're interviewing members of the congregation, and I hear and understand exactly what "being saved" means (something I now realize I was quite ignorant of) I now also understand that having a born-again Christian as president (not to mention those in Congress) is a constitutional crisis.

Here's the oath they swear on a pile of bibles to uphold:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Now, to be a born-again, they not only accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, but they also give their will entirely over to God. Their will is no longer their own. They must, under all. circumstances, follow the word of the Lord (the bible) and be led by the will of God. To do otherwise would lead them to damnation.

So, for them, it's ENTIRELY possible that if the constitution says one thing, and the will of God is telling them another, the will of God will trump the constitution EVERY TIME.

Here's my first statement: They cannot both swear to uphold the constitution AND follow the will of god. The two paths are diametrically opposed.

Going deeper into this line of thought, I have another statement: One need no longer wonder if Bush believes he's outside of the law. He is most definitely outside of it -- as far as he's concerned anyway. If God is talking to him and telling him to go to war with those heathens in the Middle East, he's going to do it and and he's going to fulfill God's will no matter what. Period.

Of course, statement one and statement two are predicated upon the belief that Bush is truly a born-again Christian and not just donning the mantle of one to win the support of a sizable swath of voters.

Just a few thoughts.


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