Thursday, April 06, 2006

Things that make me go hmmmm

posted by The Vidiot @ 4:59 PM Permalink

This is a lot harder to dismiss
Excerpt: A few scientists think there's evidence that humans actually descended from Martian microbes, not exactly what the author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus had in mind. But it merits further study, said chemist Steven Benner, who has founded a new institute in Gainesville, the Westheimer Institute for Science and Technology, which aims to bridge chemistry and biology, with evolution as its guide.
If you look at some of these pictures.
Excerpt: When this stunning "Martian ruin" (below, right) is compared to similar structures here on Earth -- as in this 1936 aerial photograph of a long-abandoned "~eighteen hundred-year-old Sasanian Palace" in Iran (below, left) -- the eerie geometric similarity is instantly apparent.

Hey, I have to think about something other than GW every now and then or my head REALLY will explode.


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