Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Ohmigawd! Ohmigawd! Ohmigawd!

posted by The Vidiot @ 10:58 AM Permalink

Saw it on

Federal employees have to take a course on the Constitution. Now, I didn't believe the poster when he/she said that the First Amendment had been interepreted as the following:
"The first ten amendments comprise the Bill of Rights. The first amendment protects religious freedom by prohibiting the establishment of an official or exclusive church or sect. Free speech and free press are protected, although they can be limited for reasons of defamation, obscenity, and certain forms of state censorship, especially during wartime. The freedom of assembly and petition also covers marching, picketing and pamphleteering."
But I looked for myself and behold the screen grabs.

Holy Crap Batman!


At 7:39 PM, Blogger The Vidiot said...

WHy aren't there more articles about this? WHy haven't even the major bloggers covered this?

Where's the freakin' outrage!?

At 9:37 AM, Blogger The Vidiot said...

the outrage is tucked safely in a drawer, taped to the top so it can't be found by and FBI sneak and peek.


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