Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Democracy is only a word.

posted by The Vidiot @ 1:13 PM Permalink

Lieberman gets to keep his DHS committee gavel. No big surprise to me. But Jane at Fire Dog Lake almost gets why, but not quite:
I hope this puts to rest the notion that this is all some master stroke of kumbayah, of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer.

This is about telling you that you mean nothing. That democracy is a nice word, but it should never threaten the entitlement of the most exclusive club in the world.

No matter what Joe Lieberman does, the people who are protecting him hate you much more than they hate him.
What she's missing is that democracy is ONLY a nice word. There is no democracy. None.

Get that foolish notion out of your heads already.

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At 11:47 AM, Blogger The Vidiot said...

Again, anonymous, your comments are shockingly insightful.

At 1:44 PM, Blogger Bill Arnett said...

Makes it kinda hard for us regular fellas to say anything intelligent. There are VERY few exclusive clubs in America: The Presidency (one at a time for 44 of them only); The Supreme Court (Nine members at a time); The Senate (100 members); The House of Representatives (435 members); and each of these exclusive clubs watch out for their members, complete with secret handshakes, eye-winks, funny walks, and various Monte Python quotations to cite for verification as a member of each club. They all, each of them, consider anyone who hasn't risen to their stage in life to be slackers, cackers, or hijackers who seek to mess with the exclusivity of their club or the club's membership, which is s-o-o-o-o sacred that nothing else in American society matters to them. (I'm not addressing European royalty whose clubs are so firmly entrenched in their thousand year-old traditions that they seek no ratification of what already exists. The only exception to this rule is a club member and a very rich donor (Known colloquially as a patron saint)assigned to act as a patron to each member and insure that each of them has enough money that they need not compete with ordinary (read: poor) persons for public office, where the BIG bucks are desperately poured into every issue to slant, twist, and turn any issue into whatever they say it it is. "Protect thine own and that of your brethren sworn to your mutual defense." An oath older than time and that will outlast time itself.

But anonymous, are you saying that the yellow-cake is poured only AFTER the additions of malleability and enrichment chemicals or before?

At 2:08 PM, Blogger The Vidiot said...


Seriously. LMAO.

At 6:46 PM, Blogger The Sailor said...

It's a good thing he doesn't charge us, I don't think we could afford the Bill!;-)

At 1:50 PM, Blogger Bill Arnett said...

Bills? Bills? I wondered why I keep getting what looks like a Chinese billing statement! S'okay, they read from left to right don't they? Meaning I owe nothing!


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