Oh, you think she's all sweetness and light
posted by The Vidiot @ 7:30 PM Permalink
We've piddle-pad trained her. She's very good about walking over the to pad, doing her business, and then she looks up to us for her treat for being a good dog.
Well, little missy just walked up to her piddle pad, made sure I was watching, sniffed around, and pretended to do her business. She just left a teeny weeny little wet spot, barely the size of a dime. Then she looked up at me for her treat.
She totally scammed me!
Of course I gave her the treat. I mean, she's cute dammit.
Labels: dogs
You better nip this sort of extortion in the bud now, otherwise, she'll start leaving a drip or two, AND THEN, when you don't appropriately respond, crap on the floor right next to the pad.
Instead, let the award be appropriate, a properly placed flood or pile should receive a treat ... a drip or two gets only a "good-girl!" and pat on the head.
After a few disappointments, she'll start savin' up for the bigger payoff.
Hah! Housebreak seven pups at the same time and THEN come a'braggin' to me!
Still. good job, mon.
I think she was just getting even for putting her in that sweater.
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