Friday, March 10, 2006

Abortion privileges

posted by The Vidiot @ 10:34 AM Permalink

What is going on in this country?!

First South Dakota, then Mississippi, now Tennessee. WTF?

I've had this ongoing discussion with Mr. Vidiot. He thinks, and rightly so, that there's no difference between the dems and the repugs. And up to a point, I agree with him. But I compare the difference to the butterfly effect (and I'm not necessarily talking about the Ashton Kutcher movie.) The difference between the two parties lies in the miniscule variants between them. Both parties are money whores. Both parties have ceased to represent anybody but their own institutions. Both parties suck. However, (and I hate starting a sentence with however, but there you have it), little things like the dems protecting the right to choose, and the repugs breaking down the wall between church and state, things like that are reflected in the judiciary. I believe that the real playing fields are not the legislative branch or the executive branch. No, the real playing field is the judiciary branch. It's like draft rounds in sports. Whomever does the picking, makes the team. And depending who's picking, that's the team you get. It's very simple. So, sure, you can blather on and on about the lack of difference between idiot one (dem) and idiot two (repug) but when it comes to picking the team that actually plays the game that effects our lives, there's a huge difference between them.

Does anybody think for an instant that if it were Gore or Kerry in the White House, and they got to pick a Supreme Court justice, that any of those states would even dare to THINK about challenging Roe v. Wade? Why would they run the risk of having SCOTUS re-affirm the decision? They wouldn't. But because Bush has appointed who he has appointed to SCOTUS, not to mention the myriad of conservative federal judges he's been able to appoint, that the playing field has been altered enough to allow a challenge to occur.

So to all those who didn't vote because they thought that there wasn't any difference between the two, and to all of those who voted for Bush because even though they're pro-choice, they always vote republican without thinking about, fuck you very much. Because of you, we've travelled back in time, to a place where women will have to take matters into their own hands.


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