Wednesday, April 05, 2006

They're mad I tell you, MAD!

posted by The Vidiot @ 11:56 AM Permalink

UPDATE: Check below the Condi picture for the latest caption.

Bush, who lied about WMDs in Iraq, is apparently confusing proliferation with profligation:
Rice defends nuclear deal with India

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called on Congress Wednesday to approve an unprecedented U.S. plan to share nuclear technology with India, saying the deal will not trigger an arms race in Asia.
I'm sure we can take her word for it, after all, she has such a great track record.
President Bush agreed to last month with India could dramatically increase India's nuclear arsenal and weaken efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, and Rice maintained that "civil nuclear cooperation with India will not lead to an arms race in South Asia."

India has never signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and is unlikely to ever do so, she said.
The pact, which must be approved by Congress, strengthens U.S. ties with the world's largest democracy but also upends more than three decades of U.S. law and policy.
The new U.S. strategic partnership between Washington and New Delhi reverses restrictions on trade with states, such as India, that did not accept comprehensive international safeguards over all their nuclear facilities. [...] the Congressional Research Service, in a report last week, noted that India would have the sole right to decide which reactors are civilian and which are military, which need not be under international supervision.
India better look out. Bush the First sold drugs to Noriega, and than attacked him. Rumsfeld sold chemical weapons to Saddam, and then attacked him. Now Bush the Inhaler sells nukes to India.
Quite the clever foreign policy we have.

Ya know, this blogger technology is great. But what it doesn't allow, or I'm just too dumb to figure out, is how to credit multiple authors of a post. While this post will have my moniker on it, The Vidiot is equally to blame.

Oh and BTW, The Vidiot sent me this link to a billmon post about how the camera never lies. And on a snarky note, I'd like to add this picture to the collection, via USA Today:

Condi: "Do you know how much blood is on these hands! Well do you! Do YOU!"


At 7:04 PM, Blogger The Vidiot said...

Yes. But you did way more with it than I would have. Good form, Sailor. Good form.

At 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Condi: "My husband's ... sorry, my fearless leader's brash one's are this big."
'She's got the hole world in her hands'
'Do you know how much blood is on these hands! Well do you ! Do YOU!'


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