Sunday, July 16, 2006

Is it oversight or an oversight? ... or ... These headlines make me want to exSpecterate

posted by The Vidiot @ 5:11 PM Permalink

Bush agrees to let secretive court review eavesdropping

Bush backs spy program review

Bush Agrees to Review of Domestic Spying Program

Deal reached with White House on wiretaps

Legislation would let FISA court decide legality of NSA program
While that makes a good sound bite, let's check the facts:
Although the legislation does not mandate that the president submit the program for the court to review, Bush has agreed to do so, Specter said.
They didn't 'reach a deal', they caved! Besides Bush doesn't adhere to mandates unless they are with Jeff Gannon.

More Here:
the specific agreement to have the program reviewed by the court, Specter and Gonzales said, is not actually written into the bill, and is valid only if the bill makes it through the House and Senate unaltered. The deal also requires in writing twice-yearly reports to the congressional intelligence committees on "any electronic surveillance programs in effect." And it would also give the Administration more time to apply for warrants retroactively after an emergency eavesdropping operation has already begun.


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