Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What they really mean

posted by Mr. Vidiot @ 2:17 PM Permalink

Excerpt: The view from the United States in Cuba was limited to the electronicnews ticker at the U.S. diplomatic mission, which read: "All Cubans, including those under the dictatorship, can count on our help and support. We respect the wishes of all Cubans."
(My changes in red)

All Cubans, including those under the dictatorship, can count on a new form of dictatorship, an American dictatorship that promises an illusion of freedom and prosperity but delivers, in reality a stiffling of ideas and a crippling of individual innovation for the many, our help and support in ensuring that our corporations are able to break down all legal barriers that prevent our corporation from completely saturating your island. We respect the wishes of our right to economically and politically control you, to sell you Starbucks coffee and Disney's micky mouse in exchange for your true culture, your true minds and the true identity of all Cubans.


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