Today is Talk Like A Pirate Day!
posted by The Vidiot @ 1:18 PM Permalink
I'm a might busy what with all the booty I'm plundering, but I'll have more for ye later.
To tide you scurvy dogs over, here is the Pirate Speak Translator version of King George tryin' to justify torture and illegal wiretaps:
Arrr, the principle behind this program is clear: when an al Qaeda operati'e is callin' int' the United States or out o' the country, we need t' know who they're callin', why they're callin', and what they're plannin'. Both these bills be essential t' winnin' the war on terror. We will work with Congress t' get good bills out. We have a duty, we have a duty t' work together t' gi'e our folks on the front line the tools necessary t' protect America. Time is runnin' out. Congress is set t' adjourn in just a few weeks. Congress needs t' act wisely and promptly so I can sign good legislation. A pence for an old man o'de sea?Actually, it makes him sound more coherent, Bush's puppet masters should use the translator for every speech!
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