Friday, March 30, 2007

Funniest Local Commercial Ever

posted by The Vidiot @ 7:45 AM Permalink

You know the commercials I'm talking about. They're the ones that are broadcast late a night on basic cable. They're either selling some useless gizmo or some sort of sex-related item. So, since I tape the Daily Show at 1am (so I can watch it for breakfast since Comedy Central moved the Daily Show rebroadcast from 8am to 9am those bastards) I get to see the lovely, high-production quality advertisements. So, the other night, when I was just about to fast forward through the commercials, I saw a commercial with really bad-looking aliens and well, since we all know I love anything having to do with aliens, I watched.

Funny thing, turned out it was an ad for one of those "gentleman clubs" out in Long Island City (which is basically a part of Queens, just off the 59th Stree bridge.)

Behold, Gallagher's 2000 Alien commerical.

Isn't that precious?


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