Monday, July 02, 2007

Good Old USA Now the Greatest Threat Today.

posted by Bill Arnett @ 12:19 PM Permalink

There are so many ways bush has destroyed our standing in the world, but this newest poll is symbolic of how America has come to be viewed by the world community, generally, and in particular by nations normally considered as America's allies.

This poll from (Financial Times website) is indicative of our loss of credibility with the world:
A survey carried out in June by Harris Research for the Financial Times shows that 32 per cent of respondents in five European countries regard the US as a bigger threat than any other state.

In the US itself, North Korea and Iran are seen as the biggest risks. However, the youngest US respondents share the Europeans’ view that theirs is the biggest threat, with 35 per cent of American 16- to 24-year-olds identifying it as the chief danger to stability.

But the poll shows that the European public still considers Mr Bush a risk.

“It is evidence of the continued estrangement between the European public and the Bush administration, in spite of a real improvement in official ties,” said Ron Asmus, head of the Brussels office of the German Marshall Fund, which works to bolster transatlantic ties.

“It is proof that the next president will be confronted with the major challenge of improving America’s image abroad, starting with Europe and our main allies.”

Inhabitants of Spain are most concerned about the US, with 46 per cent of respondents naming America as the biggest threat.
Yep, America the number one threat. And considered the greatest threat to the world by 35% of Americans aged 16- to 24-years-old. And by 25% of our general population. Please read the poll at the link above, it is quite enlightening.

Isn't it a shame that it will take our next five presidents, and a new generation of Americans, to eventually undo the damage that only took bush eight years to do?

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