Sorry for the NON posting
posted by The Vidiot @ 10:05 AM Permalink I haven't stopped blogging. It's just that life has gotten in the way.
- Teen Vidiot has been a handful so I don't even want to go into any detail there.
- Our landlord told us, right before the holidays no less, that he was selling the building and we have to get out.
- Mr. Vidiot defended (successfully) his PhD.
- Went home for the holidays
- Got a puppy. (Her name is Lagniappe and she's a beagle/terrier mix.)
- Found an apartment after a nightmarish search using a mix of brokers, craig's list and my butcher. (Craig's list; where a 2 bedroom apartment with lots of light in a great neighborhood is actually a studio with two alcoves and one southern exposed window facing an expressway.)
- And now, we're in the middle of packing and moving so that we're out of here by Feb. 1st.
I will be back after we settle in or something so monumental happens, I have to yap about it.
Thanks guys for holding down the fort.
Labels: life
I think it only proper -- whenever referred to on VidiotSpeak -- that we call the new mutt "Blogdog."
heh heh.
Congrats to Mr Vid!!!
PhD defenses can be grueling!
BTW, guess who has a blogiversary next week?
Yeah, I guess I should refer to him as Dr.Vidiot.
Really? Next week? How many does that make?
-->"Really? Next week? How many does that make?"
July 2001 for you.
January 2006 for us.
Woo hoo!
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