Thursday, April 06, 2006


posted by The Vidiot @ 8:06 AM Permalink

I really should be taking a shower and getting ready for work. But for some reason, I always feel the need to catch up on bad news first.

Let's begin with the fact that more than half of our debt is now owned by foreign interests. And here's something I've known all along but really hate to see confirmed: more than few news stories on MSM are produced by corporate interests.
Excerpt: Three stations "not only aired entire VNRs without disclosure, but had local anchors and reporters read directly from the script prepared by the broadcast PR firm."
Yikes. Let's move on, shall we?

From the Bad Idea Department comes this little gem from last week:
Excerpt: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has begun a series of experiments to see how likely the bird flu virus could result in a human pandemic. The six-month series of experiments seeks to simulate the mixing and matching of genes from the H5N1 avian flu virus that has plagued Asia and a common human flu virus that public-health experts fear could turn avian flu into a pandemic, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.
Yes, let's just see how easy it is to make a form of avian flu that is more easy to transmit from human to huma- OOOPS!.....

Yes, with all this good news, I can't help but venture into conspiracy land. (It's actually a pretty sad statement when things are so bad, that conspiracy land is actually relaxing.)
Excerpt: But I did notice that there was shadow under this white dot and I also noticed that the trees were casting the shadows in the same direction as this shadow of the circle of this aerial phenomena because it was higher than the trees but not too much higher than the trees but it was close to the ground and it was spherical but slightly elongated, not very much but slightly. I then said, is it a UFO? And he said, Well I can't tell you. And then I asked him, what are you going to do with this piece of information? And he said, well we have to airbrush these things out before we sell these photographs to the public. So I realized at that point that there is a procedure setup to take care of this type of information from the public.
Just knock me on the head so I can get my day started already why don't you.


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