Wednesday, September 20, 2006

We must look like pansies.

posted by The Vidiot @ 8:28 AM Permalink

Thailand had a corrupt PM, so they got rid of him.
In Budapest, they are protesting and demanding that their PM resign for being caught lying about the economy.
Mexicans, not believing their rigged election, have formed a shadow government in protest.

Our president?
Let 9/11 happen.
Flubbed a war in Afghanistan
Let bin Laden get away
Lied us into a war in Iraq
Badly mishandled the aftermath in Iraq
Has trashed our economy
Has agreed to torture, gulags and wiretapping of US citizens
Not to mention the cronyism. Oy, the cronyism.
...just to name a few

And what do we do? We crack open a beer and watch "Survivor."

I'm so ashamed.


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