Friday, October 06, 2006

In light of the recent fiasco in the Senate

posted by The Vidiot @ 2:35 PM Permalink

the shenanigans, the bad legislation, the dirty politics, watch this clip of George Carlin talking about who really owns this country.

Yeah baby. THAT'S what I'm talking about.


At 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's talking about Fox viewers. ;-)

We Spin - You Decide

"Fox [...] remains the number one cable news station.In a few short years, it has almost entirely rewritten the rules of American television news coverage...
Since 2000, Fox has evolved, essentially, into the White House's news poodle...
When Republican politicians feel vulnerable – like Dick Cheney after he accidentally shot a friend on a hunting trip to Texas earlier this year – they talk to Fox News, and no other outlet.
A University of Maryland poll taken six months after the Iraq invasion demonstrated that Fox News viewers were more ignorant about world affairs than any other category of news consumers, but also had a stronger belief than anyone else in how well informed they were."



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