Friday, October 05, 2007

Bill Clinton, Ambassador to the World and the Democratic Rock Star

posted by Bill Arnett @ 9:16 AM Permalink

Hillary Clinton is now making a proposal that will greatly increase her chances of winning the whole ball game.

Send Bill out as Ambassador-to-the World to repair and restore some of the prestige America formerly possessed. The Guardian Unlimited reports:
If Hillary Clinton wins the US presidency, Bill Clinton will be given the job of repairing America's damaged international reputation, the former president tells the Guardian in an interview today.

Mr Clinton, 61, reveals that his wife has said she would ask him to "go out and immediately restore America's standing, go out and tell people America was open for business and cooperation again" after eight years marked by unilateralist policies that have "enrage[d] the world".
It used to make me just as proud to see Bill Clinton receiving the full "rock star" treatment wherever he went as it now makes me ashamed of our nation every time the current prez is met with thousands of angry, now America-hating protesters every he goes.

We are seriously in need of Mr. Clinton's services. We have a generations worth of work to do to again become a great nation, and I can't think of a better way to start (short of impeaching bush and cheney).

A smart move, and one that will benefit, rather than hurt, America.

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