Friday, September 26, 2008

Tonght's debate is on.

posted by The Vidiot @ 11:57 AM Permalink

McCain has unsuspended his suspended-but-not-really-suspended campaign. So, let the drinking games begin!

If you want to get really hammered, take a shot of anything anytime either of them says the word "look" to preface a statement. (I swear, it's my new pet peeve. It's the politician's equivalent of the teenage/hipster "like" or "you know".)

If you just want to get sort of hammered, doing shots whenever any of the standard words are uttered will do: 9/11, faith, and terror (or any variant of the word).

If you only want to get tipsy, take a shot of anything anytime either of them says "my opponent".

And if you just want to watch it without drinking (though why you would want to do such thing is beyond my comprehension) well, why the hell would you need me to tell you how to do that?

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