Thursday, April 30, 2009

Is "mis-remembering," in reality just an attempt to rewrite history?…

posted by Bill Arnett @ 12:49 PM Permalink

…I ask this because of an incredible, within the literal sense of the word, op-ed written by Christine Todd Whitman, you know the bush cabinet member that helped hide how dangerous the air was around the WTC after the attack there.

I HAVE always admired Arlen Specter for his willingness to stand up for his principles and to put policy ahead of party when he thought it was necessary. I do, however, regret his decision to switch parties and I worry about the direction this country could go with a filibuster-proof Democratic majority. Some historians suggest that no president has had such power since 1937, when large Democratic majorities in Congress gave President Franklin Roosevelt tremendous leverage.

The United States needs two vibrant, competitive parties. With the economic crisis, the war in Iraq and countless other issues facing the nation, the stakes are too high to simply let one ideological segment of the country determine our fate.
Just what kind of specious, scurrilous, lying, revisionist history rewriting is this?

Lemme see, from 2001 through 2006 this country did have "one party rule" that was indeed disastrous for all Americans and the country as a whole, but I seem to remember that it was six unobstructed years of GOP control, not that of Democrats.

Funny, I don't remember Ms. Whitman raising these concerns when the GOP had complete control so it makes me wonder: Is she a liar or just plainly too stupid to remember 2001-2006?

Let's break this down: "…With the economic crisis…," purely a republican born fiasco of unsurpassed borrowing and spending. "…the war in Iraq…," another construct of the GOP to steal oil and conduct a Middle East genocide. "…and countless other issues facing the nation…," caused by the awful leadership of bush-cheney, such as torture, holding people without trial for years and years, committing murders and kidnappings by presidential fiat, and the GOPs blatant attempt to convert the president into an emperor with unlimited power and the right to violate any or all the conventions created by the Constitution.

And lastly: "…the stakes are too high to simply let one ideological segment of the country determine our fate.…," which is obviously true if the party in charge is republican, the creators of nine tenths of our current dire straits.
In the coming election cycle, we have the opportunity to remind the nation that our party is committed to such important values as fiscal restraint, less government interference in our everyday lives, environmental policies that promote a balanced approach between protection and economic interest, and a foreign policy that is engaged with the rest of the world. The responsibility of ensuring that the party follows the right path lies with those moderates who are willing to work to make it happen. I anticipate that centrists will convene in the coming days to discuss how we can return the party to the sensible middle.
Unmitigated BS, MS, and Phd (bullshit, more of the same and piled higher and deeper).

"The responsibility of ensuring that the party follows the right path lies with those moderates who are willing to work to make it happen. I anticipate that centrists will convene in the coming days to discuss how we can return the party to the sensible middle." Uh, good try Ms. Whitman, but your party apparently HAS NO sensible middle or the country wouldn't be at war, unpopular with the rest of the world, considered to be known torturers who lie about it, or financially bankrupt from the unabated and irresponsible borrowing and spending of bush-cheney, while also reducing revenue by giving the mega-rich tax breaks courtesy of the GOP.

If this is truly your vision, or the way you see America, you need to reconsider the lies you present here as moderate fact.

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